Prayer Requests

Request for Prayer

Please let us know if you wish to be added to our prayer list or you would like a loved one added to our prayer list. The list is read weekdays at Morning Prayer. (Mass is said on Wednesday morning.)

Names will be held on the list for 30 days and then removed. You can ask for the name to be added for another 30 days prior-to or after the 30 day period has expired.

Request for Candle Lighting

Would you like us to light a candle on your behalf to honor a loved one or accompany a prayer request? All candle lighting requests will be added to the prayer list and remembered by name at Morning Prayer each day for 30 days.

Please join us for in-person Morning Prayer Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in the choir stalls of the main sanctuary. Mass is said on Wednesday morning at 8am. Masks are required while indoors at the church.

Morning Prayer can be found beginning on page 80 in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP). You can also view the BCP online.

Complete the adjacent form or email Chey Widdop, Associate for Community Life.